Client Order ID

This guide provides information about using clientOrderId in your trading operations, including best practices and common use cases.


The clientOrderId is an optional identifier that allows you to track and manage your orders with your own custom identifiers. It provides an additional layer of order management and tracking capabilities alongside the exchange-provided orderId.


Type & Requirements
  • • Type: String
  • • Mandatory: No
  • • Uniqueness: Must be unique for 24 hours
Allowed Characters
  • • Latin letters
  • • Numbers
  • • Dashes (-)
  • • Dots (.)
  • • Underscores (_)
Length and Format Guidelines
• Recommended maximum length: 32 characters
• Case-sensitive: “Order1” and “order1” are different IDs
• Leading/trailing spaces are not allowed
• Cannot be an empty string if provided

Best Practices

Structured Naming Convention
// Format: strategy-pair-type-timestamp
const clientOrderId = "scalp-btcusdt-limit-1678234567";
// Format: botId-strategy-sequence
const clientOrderId = "bot123-grid-0001";
// Format: userAccount-orderType-customSequence
const clientOrderId = "trade15-market-a7b8c9";

Common Use Cases

Basic Limit Order
// Simple limit order with clientOrderId
const limitOrderRequest = {
  market: "BTC_USDT",
  side: "buy",
  amount: "0.01",
  price: "40000",
  clientOrderId: "limit-btc-buy-001"

Order Management

Tracking Orders

You can track orders using clientOrderId through the following endpoints:

1. Query Active Orders

Use the Query Active Orders endpoint (/api/v4/orders) to get all unexecuted orders:

// Request
const queryActiveOrders = {
  market: "BTC_USDT",
  clientOrderId: "dca-btc-market-002"
Example response includes order details such as ID, status, and execution information:
  "orderId": 4180284841,
  "clientOrderId": "dca-btc-market-002",
  "market": "BTC_USDT",
  "side": "buy",
  "type": "limit",
  "timestamp": 1595792396.165973,
  "dealMoney": "0",
  "dealStock": "0",
  "amount": "0.001",
  "price": "40000",
  "status": "NEW"

2. Query Order History

Use the Query Order History endpoint (/api/v4/trade-account/order/history) to get executed orders:

// Request
const queryOrderHistory = {
  market: "BTC_USDT",
  clientOrderId: "grid-btc-sell-003",
  limit: 50,
  offset: 0
Example response showing execution details and final order status:
  "records": [
      "orderId": 4180284841,
      "clientOrderId": "grid-btc-sell-003",
      "market": "BTC_USDT",
      "side": "sell",
      "type": "limit",
      "timestamp": 1595792396.165973,
      "dealMoney": "41.258268",
      "dealStock": "0.001",
      "amount": "0.001",
      "price": "41258.27",
      "status": "FILLED"

Order Cancellation


You can cancel orders using their orderId. Support for cancellation using clientOrderId will be implemented in an upcoming release. Once available, this feature will allow you to cancel orders directly using your custom identifiers.

Error Handling

Common Error Cases
Duplicate ID
The clientOrderId must be unique for 24 hours
Invalid Format
Ensure the ID only contains allowed characters
Length Limit
Keep the ID length reasonable (recommended: under 32 characters)
Order Not Found
Handle cases where an order with the specified clientOrderId doesn’t exist

Example error handling:

try {
  const order = await queryOrderByClientId("dca-btc-market-002");
  // Process order
} catch (error) {
  if (error.code === 36) {
    console.error("Invalid clientOrderId format");
  } else if (error.code === 2) {
    console.error("Order not found");
  } else {
    console.error("Unexpected error:", error);

Example: Broker Implementation

Broker Implementation Guide

ClientOrderId Structure



Example: brk-ind123-limit-spot-1678234567


  • brk: Broker identifier prefix
  • clientId: Your internal client identifier
  • orderType: Order type (market/limit)
  • purpose: Trading purpose/strategy
  • timestamp: Ensures 24-hour uniqueness
Individual Clients
Corporate Clients
Managed Portfolios

Trading Purpose Examples

Spot Trading
DCA Strategy
Grid Trading
Portfolio Rebalancing

API Usage Example

// Create an order for a client
const createClientOrder = {
  market: "BTC_USDT",
  side: "buy",
  amount: "0.01",
  price: "40000",
  clientOrderId: "brk-ind123-limit-spot-1678234567"
// Query client's active orders
const queryClientOrders = {
  market: "BTC_USDT",
  clientOrderId: "brk-ind123-limit-spot-1678234567"

This structured approach allows brokers to:

  • Track orders for multiple clients
  • Identify order types and purposes
  • Maintain unique identifiers
  • Query and manage orders efficiently